School Council
Home and School
The Home and School Association has been formed for the purpose of:
1. Providing a means for effective communication among parents, educational leaders, pastor and students.
2. Promoting mutual understanding between parents and teachers of educational objectives and contributing social factors significant in the learning process.
3. Serving as a fund-raising organization for the purpose of carrying out projects for the shcool as determined by the Executive Commitee (Home and School funds are used primarily for textbooks, supplies, care and upkeep of copy machine, technology and special purpose funds)
4. All parents are members of the St. Mary's Home and School Association.
2016-2017 Officers:
Sarah Eck - President
Jenni Bongartz - Vice President
Becky Metzler- Treasurer
Nicole Morton - Secretary
St. Mary's School Council shall serve in an advisory capacity for the school educational programs in cooperation with the pastor and the school principal. The School Council exists to further the teaching mission of the Church by promoting whatever forms of Christian education that will serve the needs of the community. It will follow the policies and regulations of the Diocesan Board of Education and implement them at the local level.
School Council Members shall assist the pastor and princiapl for the consideration of general policy matters relating to St. Mary's School. The local school council shall strive to support, strengthen and assure the future of St. Mary's School.
2016-2017 Officers and Members:
Amanda Shannon President
Becky Seibel Vice President
Michelle Frickey Secretary
Mark Bongartz Member
Sarah Fischer Member
Coleen Born Member
Michele Eberle Member